Can you breastfeed when sleep-training your baby?

The good news is, yes, you can! At Sweet Dreams Sleep Coaching, we’ve helped hundreds of families successfully navigate sleep training while breastfeeding. It should not be something that fills you with fear; in fact, quite the opposite.  Below is some advice to help you on the journey to successfully sleep training whilst breastfeeding.

Hunger or Tiredness? It’s important to distinguish between a baby’s hunger and their tiredness.  The sounds (cries) they make should sound distinctively different.

They are two very different needs that require different responses.  If a baby is hungry, it’s time to feed, but feeding isn’t the correct response if your baby is tired. It may provide comfort, but it is not the real solution, so the baby’s needs are not correctly met.

Prop = dependency. Solo sleep = self-settle.  There are two very different scenarios you can create as a breastfeeding mum at baby’s sleep time:

  1. Nursing or feeding your child to sleep – this promotes your child being dependent on a sleep prop (the breast) to fall asleep.
  2. Breastfeeding and then allowing your child to fall asleep on their own – this will enable you to continue breastfeeding while promoting independence and teaching your child to both fall asleep and stay asleep, without your help. The aim is to get the baby to self-settle and sleep well.


The boob is not a pillow!  It is very common during breastfeeding for babies to become reliant on you to drift off to sleep. The feeding element is not the issue; the habit of feeding to sleep at this time is the problem.  You can continue breastfeeding while teaching your baby to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. It’s essential to distinguish feeding times from sleeping times and build a consistent routine that develops this differentiation. Instead of breastfeeding close to bedtime, start with moving the nursing session earlier in your baby’s evening routine.

Introduce a gap before quiet time for sleep. After your baby stops nursing, create a little breathing space before bed.  Use this gap for a calm and peaceful time. Keep it for cuddling, reading time or a lullaby in a dimly lit room. Get baby used to a pause before you put them into bed. Then, you’re ready to instigate sleeping time next.

Create a dreamy sleep environment. The sleep environment plays a pivotal role in successful sleep training. A tranquil, comfortable, and consistent sleep environment can signal to your baby that it’s time to rest. The room should be dark, with a cool temperature, a quiet environment free from any stimulating sounds or activities, (however white noise can be helpful), and a cosy, safe sleeping area. It’s always recommended to nurse in a separate room away from their sleeping space. The goal is to create an environment that encourages sleep and doesn’t rely on nursing as the sole sleep cue.

Night feeds are not a barrier to sleep training. Babies, especially those below six months, may require one or two feeds at night, so a wake in the night is inevitable. Sleep training isn’t about eliminating necessary feeds; it’s about helping your baby self-settle after the feed and not feeding them if hunger is not required. You can always check with your paediatrician before dropping any feeds at night in order to feel confident, based on your baby’s weight and general health needs, so you’re assured of encouraging self-settling.  We can also provide advice on this following all the appropriate guidelines that are published by the AAP and NHS.

Self-settling can take time, both for you to feel at ease with teaching your baby to self-settle and for your baby to get used to the new routine. But you’ll be amazed at how easy it can be with the right guidance and support.

We’re here to help. Sleep Training with Sweet Dreams Sleep Coaches involves creating a sleep plan that works best for you and your family.  If you need support to create a healthy and happier sleep routine, book a free 30-minute call to find out how we can help you.

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