Toddler jetlag

Jetlag is a common problem for travellers of all ages, but it can be especially challenging for toddlers. Jetlag occurs when your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle is disrupted by traveling across multiple time zones. The symptoms of jetlag include fatigue, insomnia, and confusion.

Here are some tips to help your toddler overcome jetlag:

  1. Gradually adjust your child’s sleep schedule: Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a few days before your trip. For example, if you’re traveling from East to West, try putting your child to bed 30 minutes earlier each night. This will help their body gradually adjust to the new time zone.

  2. Stick to a routine: Establishing a regular bedtime routine is important for helping your child fall asleep quickly and stay asleep. Try to stick to the same routine as you would at home, including bath time, story time, and lullabies.

  3. Limit screen time: The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Try to limit your child’s screen time before bed, especially on the day of travel.

  4. Provide comfort: Bring your child’s favourite blanket, toy, or stuffed animal to provide comfort and familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings.

  5. Get some sunlight: Exposure to sunlight can help regulate your child’s circadian rhythm, which controls the sleep-wake cycle. Try to get outside for a few minutes during the day, especially in the morning.

  6. Be patient: Jetlag can take a few days to fully resolve. Be patient with your child and try to keep to a consistent schedule as much as possible.

In summary, jetlag can be a difficult challenge for toddlers, but by adjusting their sleep schedule, sticking to a routine, limiting screen time, providing comfort, getting sunlight and being patient, you can help your child to overcome jetlag and adjust to the new time zone. If the situation persists, it’s always recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Want to talk about this or any other sleep issues your child is experiencing? Then book a free discovery call about your child’s sleep with absolutely no obligation to hire me afterwards!

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