Sleepovers With The Grandparents: How to Get it Right

The ultimate goal for every parent when sleep training their baby is to make sure their child is happy, healthy and sleeping well, and if you can finally get some rest yourself then that’s a big bonus, too. But once you’ve achieved this sleep utopia, you soon realise that there are other benefits as well.

A well-rested baby who can sleep independently can stay overnight with grandparents. This is a special experience for grandparents that also allows you to relax and socialise, as well as reconnect as a couple. But before you leave your little one for the night, here are a few tips to help you find the right balance between maintaining your baby’s sleep schedule and respecting the grandparents’ role as experienced caregivers.

1. Respect your elders

Everything you’re going through now, your baby’s grandparents have been through before. Although the parenting advice and norms might have changed a bit in that time, they’re still experienced caregivers. So, while it’s fine to establish a few ground rules, particularly around the bedtime routine, you should also show confidence in their abilities.

2. Help grandparents understand the importance of routine

Raising children is tough, but as the years go by, grandparents can forget quite how tough it was. That’s why you should let them know how much of a struggle it has been with your baby not sleeping well and how hard you’ve worked to put it right. Understanding the importance of your routine and the emotional investment you’ve put into it will help them to commit.

3. Incentivise them

You often hear about the importance of incentivising children, but now it’s time to incentivise the grandparents. They need to know that if your little one is tired and cranky after she stays the night, you’ll be reluctant to leave her overnight again. On the other hand, if they stick to your schedule and your little one is happy and well-rested, you can make it a regular thing. And more time with your child means happier grandparents.

4. More sleep = happier baby

It’s also worth explaining to grandparents what a big difference regular naps and a good night’s sleep make to your baby’s personality and mood. Babies are much more enjoyable to be around when they’re well-rested, so explaining how much more fun their time will be if they stick to your schedule can often have the desired effect.

5. Don’t worry too much about sleep sabotage

Even when they mean well, there’s a good chance the grandparents won’t play entirely by your rules. They may feed a crying baby back to sleep or let a toddler sleep in their bed. But don’t worry too much about it. Even as newborns, babies can recognise different sleeping environments and won’t always expect the same treatment at home. Just giving the grandparents a gentle reminder not to do it all the time should be enough.

Need a little help with your baby’s sleep? Then you’re in the right place. Find out more about how we can help and book your free 30-minute sleep consultation.

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