Frequently Asked Questions

We use well-researched, evidence-based sleep training methods, offering clients a choice to find the best fit for their family. We’ve successfully used these methods with our own children and thousands of clients worldwide. Our services are collaborative giving parents the opportunity to tailor solutions to their unique situation.

Yes, we fully support breastfeeding. It is not necessary to stop in order to successfully sleep train. Our consultants will create appropriate guidance and advice to ensure breast-feeding is not impacted.

Co-sleeping is discouraged during sleep coaching due to safety concerns and its impact on self-soothing success. We follow safe sleep guidelines from the AAP, UK health services, UNICEF, and the Lullaby Trust. We can help with room-sharing arrangements if needed.

No, we do not advocate the cry-it-out method, which involves ignoring a child’s cries completely. Our services focus on meeting the needs of the child, in all aspects of their life; crying is a normal way for children to communicate. During sleep training we provide tools and strategies to ensure minimal crying, whilst helping to develop healthy sleep habits.

We support any caregiver you trust, including family or nannies, ensuring consistent sleep training. Consistent use of the method by any caregiver will help your child learn to sleep independently.

The right time is when you’re ready for change. Your commitment is key to success. We offer various packages to suit your needs when you decide to improve your child’s sleep.


Yes, sleep training lasts with consistent routines and positive associations. Occasional maintenance might be needed during developmental stages, but good habits will ensure long-term success.

Yes, we offer overnight support. Just book yourself a Free Consultation to learn more!

Absolutely, we work with people throughout the world. We offer both video calls and online services. All our services ensure the same success, be it face to face or online.

Yes, sleep training can help babies with reflux or colic. Book a discovery call to learn how we can assist you.

Yes, we can help families who choose or need to room-share during sleep training.

After your Free Sleep Consultation, you’ll receive a bespoke sleep plan. Your consultant will guide you through the plan, offer support during the first night, and provide ongoing assistance.


We offer a free consultation for you to discuss your concerns so you can decide which of us best suits your needs. Feel free to book a call with more than one of the team to find the right fit for you and your family.

Yes, we offer guidelines, tune-ups, and additional support services to ensure long-term sleep success.

Ready for a good nights' sleep?